Designed by Chris Donnell and Dylan Cassilly


Final version of our semester project. A top down puzzler where the primary mechanic is the ability to switch between overlapping maps to solve puzzles.

Default Controls:

  • WASD to walk
  • E to switch maps
  • Q to interact with objects

Change Log:

  1. First prototype of game concept 6/4
    1. platformer and top down levels, basic map switching mechanic working, no goals or intractability set up yet
    2. sprites left over from mario quests, need to update with custom graphics
  2. Update 6/17
    1. added another scene with new tile texture, they look pretty nice and have their collider boxes set up appropriately to walk along the path
    2. copied the Link animator and camera control for the new scene from Quest 8 and 9
  3. Update 7/1
    1. removed test scenes, there's now a single demo level
    2. the demo level is a top down map which implements an actual interactive puzzle based on the map switching mechanic (it's admittedly still quite simple)
    3. custom player animation (walk/idle up is still not working but left/right/down are)
  4. Update 7/23
    1. Very little visual difference from last play test (mainly the weird link animation glitch is gone)
    2. We overhauled a large portion of the map switching mechanic, so under the hood things are a lot different now
  5. Update 8/07
    1. Everything is different now!!!
    2. Four fully functioning levels
    3. Updated graphics (character sprite and environment)
  6. Update 8/16
    1. Reworked levels
    2. Menu with key binding preferences
    3. Music!
    4. Map switching mechanic working 100% now
  7. Update 8/18
    1. Added indicators to switches
    2. Level Select menu
    3. Level 5 revision

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